Eliot Bernstein - the Iviewit Technology Theft Story. Blog By Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox - Crystal@CrystalCox.com
Mar 27, 2013
Alexandra interviews Eliot Bernstein, Inventor & Creator of IviewIt Technology
Mar 18, 2013
Mar 17, 2013
Apple Sued by THX for "knowingly" infringing on THX Technology. Apple, APPL, Bruce Sewell, Steve Dowling Know that Apple is infringing on the iViewit Technology and have been Named in a Racketeering / Corrupt Organization District of Nevada RICO Court Filing by Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.
"Apple sued by THX for allegedly misusing patented speaker tech in iPhone, iPad and iMac"
"THX, the sound innovation company founded by George Lucas, filed suit against Apple in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on Thursday, claiming that various models of the iPhone, iPad and iMac product lineups infringe on a single speaker patent for a "narrow profile speaker."
According to the complaint, Apple knowingly infringed and continues to infringe upon THX's U.S. Patent No. 7,433,483 for "Narrow profile speaker configurations and systems," a property granted in 2008 describing methods to effectively enhance sound quality in compact speaker arrangements integrated into consumer electronics like computers and televisions.
As noted by Bloomberg, THX claims Apple's violation caused monetary damages and irreparable harm, and seeks royalties or damages to make up for lost profit. "
Source and Full Article of Apple KNOWINGLY infringing on Technology.
Court Docket for District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF
2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF - Nevada RICO
Racketeering / Corrupt Organization District of Nevada RICO Court Filing by Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-NJK Civil RICO Complaint, COX vs. Randazza. Racketeer/Corrupt Organization Jurisdiction: Diversity Case
Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel Knows of iViewit Technology Infringement and takes no action to DISCLOSE to Shareholders.
Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel was the form Intel Corp. General Counsel, here is more research regarding Intel, Bruce Sewell and iViewit.
"THX, the sound innovation company founded by George Lucas, filed suit against Apple in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on Thursday, claiming that various models of the iPhone, iPad and iMac product lineups infringe on a single speaker patent for a "narrow profile speaker."
According to the complaint, Apple knowingly infringed and continues to infringe upon THX's U.S. Patent No. 7,433,483 for "Narrow profile speaker configurations and systems," a property granted in 2008 describing methods to effectively enhance sound quality in compact speaker arrangements integrated into consumer electronics like computers and televisions.
As noted by Bloomberg, THX claims Apple's violation caused monetary damages and irreparable harm, and seeks royalties or damages to make up for lost profit. "
Source and Full Article of Apple KNOWINGLY infringing on Technology.
Court Docket for District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF
2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF - Nevada RICO
Racketeering / Corrupt Organization District of Nevada RICO Court Filing by Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-NJK Civil RICO Complaint, COX vs. Randazza. Racketeer/Corrupt Organization Jurisdiction: Diversity Case
Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel Knows of iViewit Technology Infringement and takes no action to DISCLOSE to Shareholders.
Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel was the form Intel Corp. General Counsel, here is more research regarding Intel, Bruce Sewell and iViewit.
Mar 16, 2013
TWX - Open Letter to Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors and Time Warner Shareholders. Jeffrey Bewkes, Liberty Media Holding, John C. Malone. Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros. is Knowingly infringing on the iViewit Technology.
"Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOL Executives have Been Hiding Massive Shareholder fraud for Over A Decade.
There are Signed Agreements, Contracts, and Tons of Proof that Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL did NOT honor agreements with the iViewitInventors, yet went ahead and Used the iViewit Technology and made Billions for over a Decade.
Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros., AOL is involved in a Stolen Technology Scandal over the IViewit Technologies, and Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL has been covering it up. Then General Counsel Curtis Lu also covered up this Massive Proven Fraud. This is FACT, there are Links in this Letter to Prove it, they and YOU cannot Say that you did not know.
Click Below for Warner Bros. Signed Agreements with iViewit Inventors
Warner Bros. Even Signed and Violated Iviewit Non Disclosure Agreements.
Goldman Sachs Group - Jeff Friedstein Letter
This Open Letter Will Go to ALL Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors, Shareholders, Insurance Carriers and ALL Government Agencies Involved to serve as YET another Warning of what will happen to Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOL Shareholders. Just as in theMadoff Scandal, they CANNOT Say they Did Not Know. There is a Whole lot of Fact, Proof that they Did Know and DO Know RIGHT NOW.
Please Forward this Letter to ALL Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOL Investors, Shareholders, Directors, Executives that You Know of. This is a VERY Big Deal Financially. It is NOT a Hoax, Look at the Fact yourself and Warn Others.
The Stolen Iviewit Technology will Cost Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Investors, Shareholders Billions. CEO Jeff Bewkes of Time Warner Inc. KNOWS of this Massive Shareholder and is NOT Disclosing to Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers.
It is Your Money, You Have a Right to Know that Billions will be Paid By Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros., and AOL. in the Iviewit Technology Theft. It is not a Matter of IF, the Proof is ALL there. It is a Matter of When.
The Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Executives - General Counsels and many who worked at Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL over the last decade KNOW of the agreements they had with the iViewit Technology Inventors yet they have NOT disclosed to the Shareholder, Board of Director or investors of Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL. This was BEFORE AOL left Time Warner - the AOL Investors, Shareholders are Still Liable.
Click Below for Warner Bros. Signed Agreements with iViewit Inventors
Warner Bros. Even Signed and Violated Iviewit Non Disclosure Agreements.
There has been an SEC Complaint Naming Time Warner,
Warner Bros., and AOL ... Click Below to See that Complaint.
Warner Bros., and AOL ... Click Below to See that Complaint.
Conversation in 2010 with Curtis Lu, Time Warner General Counsel that is Now the General Counsel of Lightsquared (Philip Falcone - Harbinger Capital Partners) Curtis Lu left Time Warner just after this and did NOT disclose this Massive Shareholder Fraud that heDefinitely knew About.
Story on Time Warner Inc. Warner Bros Insiders Stealing iViewit Tecnology
Goldman Sachs Group - Jeff Friedstein Letter
These Are SOLID, Legally Signed Contracts, Signed Licensing Agreements that were Never Honored, and Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOLis Liable for every MINUTE of Video in Over 10 Years whereby they used the STOLEN iViewit Technology.
Those invested in Time Warner, Warner Bros., or AOL will pay for what the Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Executives KNOW and have NOT told You.
Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Executives have Known for Over a Decade. They want YOU to pay for their Decade Old Mistake.
For over a Decade the Corruption in Courts, Law Firms and in Government Agencies have Covered for Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOLExecutives.
NOW it is time to pay the Iviewit Technology Inventors for their Invention USED by Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL for Over a Decade. Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL made Billions a year off of the Stolen Iviewit Technology.
NOW it is time to pay the Iviewit Technology Inventors for their Invention USED by Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL for Over a Decade. Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL made Billions a year off of the Stolen Iviewit Technology.
It will be the Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Shareholders and Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors that pays for the Crimes and Cover Ups of theTime Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Executives.
This Open Letter Will Go to ALL Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors, Shareholders, Insurance Carriers and ALL Government Agencies Involved to serve as YET another Warning of what will happen to Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOL Shareholders. Just as in theMadoff Scandal, they CANNOT Say they Did Not Know. There is a Whole lot of Fact, Proof that they Did Know and DO Know RIGHT NOW.
Please Forward this Letter to ALL Time Warner, Warner Bros., and AOL Investors, Shareholders, Directors, Executives that You Know of. This is a VERY Big Deal Financially. It is NOT a Hoax, Look at the Fact yourself and Warn Others.
The Stolen Iviewit Technology will Cost Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Investors, Shareholders Billions. CEO Jeff Bewkes of Time Warner Inc. KNOWS of this Massive Shareholder and is NOT Disclosing to Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers.
It is Your Money, You Have a Right to Know that Billions will be Paid By Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros., and AOL. in the Iviewit Technology Theft. It is not a Matter of IF, the Proof is ALL there. It is a Matter of When.
More Links to the involvement of Time Warner, Warner Bros. and AOL. in the iViewit Stolen Technology and the Liability Involved to Shareholders.
Proof of Warner Bros. Douglas Chey's Involvement with iViewit
More on the Liability to Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros., and AOL Shareholders
Private Placement Memorandum
Stephen Lamont - John Calkins Email Feb. 2002
originally posted at
Vivid Entertainment, Vivid.com, Steven Hirsch wants your kids ADDICTED to Porn as Soon as Possible. Vivid Entertainment KNOWS that the quickest way to your kids is through their Superheros, their "Icons". So Vivid Entertainment, Steven Hirsch through the eyes of Axel Braun has created an army of "Vivid Super Heros". Vivid.com is in the search engines for your children's search terms, and there it is Porn, easily accessible to your Children. STOP Vivid Entertainment from Exploiting your Children.
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Mar 14, 2013
Hey Marc Toberoff, Contact Eliot Bernstein and SUE Time Warner Inc. Time Warner Inc. Owns RIGHTS to Superman, Liberty Media Holdings Owns Stake in Time Warner Inc., Superman is also in PORN Parody on Vivid.com and Liberty Media Makes ALL kinds of Money Off That as Well. Porn RULES the Economy and Superhero's Licensing Fees are just part of doing business.
"DC Comics and Time Warner’s Warner Bros. Entertainment unit contend the Siegel family wanted to escape the 2001 agreement because they were approached by a different lawyer, Marc Toberoff, who proposed a plan to get them more money."
"Toberoff contended there was never an agreement because Warner Bros. lawyers changed the terms of what was then only a deal in principle."
Marc Toberoff Should contact Eliot Bernstein, looks like Warner Bros. has a pattern and history on tricking people with their contracts.
Open Letter to Time Warner, Warner Bros., AOL Board of Directors and Time Warner Shareholders
More about Who Marc Toberoff Is
Don't Forget Liberty Media Holdings, John C. Malone has stake in Time Warner and PROFITS on SUPERMAN, even in PORN PARODY. Oh and Liberty Media Holdings lawyers of Randazza Legal Group and Mulvihill & Rushie LLC are part of an Internet Mobbing Gang Stalking group of attorneys, ALLEGES Crystal Cox, whom use the power of the internet, and their abuse of power over the courts to WIN cases, pressure clients, defame, threaten and harass and sure seem to be above the Law.
Check Out the RICO Complaint Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox Filed, naming Randazza Legal Group and Mulvihill & Rushie LLC, the New York Times and Forbes, AND Liberty Media Holdings, John C. Malone, oh and many more..
Here is District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Defamation, Harassment, RICO, Racketeering, Anti-Trust and more.. Lawsuit filed by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.
Also Check Out http://vivid.com/ - the Superman PORN Parody, of course it says it is not endorsed by, sponsored by Time Warner, however, Rabid Attorneys like Marc Randazza and Jordan Rushie, and others out there would surely SUE Vivid.com, Jovita Corporation Limited,
Steven Hirsch, Vivid Entertainment LLC, if they did not have an agreement to be PAID by those who hold the licensing fee. So more PORN that Time Warner Inc. and Liberty Media Holdings Profit From.
Does the Siegel family GET Royalties from SUPERMAN PORN? Cuz you know that Time Warner and Liberty Media Sure Get money, licensing fees and much more.
Does the Superman vs Spiderman PORN Movie / Video use the iViewit Video Technology? Is VIVID infringing on the iViewit Technology, I Bet they are, IN MY OPINION.
Mar 7, 2013
WIPO Officials Refuse Domain Name Dispute Respondent Crystal Cox, a Copy of the "Declaration of Impartiality" they Claimed that WIPO Panelist Peter L. Michaelson Signed. Francis Gurry WIPO, Edward Kwakwa WIPO, WIPO Officials, WIPO Eric Wilbers, ALL know of this FRAUD, Conspiracy, Collusion, and Corruption within WIPO and yet they take no official action, order no Special Investigation. Peter L. Michaelson's Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence, SHOULD be disclosed to the respondents of Domain Names Disputes where he is the SOLE Panelist. Especially in the Marc J. Randazza V. Crystal Cox and Eliot Bernstein Domain Name Dispute, WIPO Decision Case No. D2012-1525, where Single Panelist Peter L. Michaelson PUBLICLY, Internationally Published that Respondent Eliot Bernstein and Respondent Crystal Cox were GUILTY of the Crime of Extortion. Of which neither Crystal Cox Nor Eliot Bernstein have been charged with or under investigation for. Peter L. Michaelson and WIPO have maliciously, intentionally, with actual malice, DEFAMED Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox and Inventor Eliot Bernstein. The eMail Below was sent on December 6th, 2012 by Crystal L. Cox to WIPO Officials.
"the Following eMail, as Seen Below, is from Xin Jiang for Jessica Park WIPO Case Worker to Crystal Cox and all parties of WIPO Case Number (EP) D2012-1525 was Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 6:44 AM. The Subject is (EP) D2012-1525 <marcjohnrandazza.com> et al. Notification of Panel Appointment.
Subject Matter of WIPO Email to Parties of WIPO Case Number (EP) D2012-1525 is regarding the Notification of Panel Appointment (1-member panel) for Domain Names marcjohnrandazza.com, marcjrandazza.com, and marcrandazza.com.
Eliot Bernstein of iViewit Technologies owns marcjohnrandazza.com, marcjrandazza.com and I, Crystal Cox own marcrandazza.com and having written extensively for over 3 years on the Ivewit, Eliot Bernstein Story.
As you see the WIPO email below certifies that the selected Sole WIPO Panelist Peter L. Michaelson has submitted a Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
Here is the EXACT quote from Xin Jiang for Jessica Park WIPO Case Worker, WIPO Case Number (EP) D2012-1525
"In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 7, the above Panelist has submitted a Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center."
I, Crystal L. Cox, in my Pro Se Capacity Demand a Copy of Peter L. Michaelson's Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence submitted to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, as noted below, as being in possession of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
Crystal L. Cox
Pro Se Respondent
Investigative Blogger
Search Engine Reputation Manager
From: "Domain.Disputes@wipo.int" <Domain.Disputes@wipo.int>
To: RDG@randazza.com; rlgall@randazza.com; SavvyBroker@Yahoo.com; savvybroker@Yahoo.com; iviewit@iviewit.tv
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 6:44 AM
Subject: (EP) D2012-1525 <marcjohnrandazza.com> et al. Notification of Panel Appointment
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center | ![]() |
September 7, 2012 |
Re: Case No. D2012-1525
Notification of Panel Appointment (1-member panel)
Notification of Panel Appointment (1-member panel)
In accordance with Paragraph 6(f) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the Rules), you are hereby notified that an Administrative Panel ("Panel") has been appointed in the above-referenced case, consisting of a single member:
Peter L. Michaelson
The professional profile of the Panelist can be accessed at our web site (http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains).
In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 7, the above Panelist has submitted a Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
A copy of the relevant case file will shortly be transmitted to the Panel. If you would like to receive a list identifying materials transmitted to the Panel, please let us know by return email.
Absent exceptional circumstances, the Panel is required to forward its decision to us by September 21, 2012 in accordance with Rules, Paragraph 15.
Parties are reminded of the prohibition contained in Rules, Paragraph 8 against unilateral communications with the Panel.
Xin Jiang
for Jessica Park
Case Manager
34, chemin des Colombettes, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
T +41 22 338 82 47 F +41 22 740 37 00 E domain.disputes@wipo.int W www.wipo.int/amc
Peter L. Michaelson
The professional profile of the Panelist can be accessed at our web site (http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains).
In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 7, the above Panelist has submitted a Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
A copy of the relevant case file will shortly be transmitted to the Panel. If you would like to receive a list identifying materials transmitted to the Panel, please let us know by return email.
Absent exceptional circumstances, the Panel is required to forward its decision to us by September 21, 2012 in accordance with Rules, Paragraph 15.
Parties are reminded of the prohibition contained in Rules, Paragraph 8 against unilateral communications with the Panel.
Xin Jiang
for Jessica Park
Case Manager
34, chemin des Colombettes, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
T +41 22 338 82 47 F +41 22 740 37 00 E domain.disputes@wipo.int W www.wipo.int/amc
Peter L. Michaelson's Statement of Acceptance and Declaration of Impartiality and Independence Requested by Domain Owner Crystal Cox. DENIED Multiple Times.
Mar 6, 2013
Christine C. Anderson New York Whistleblower Case, Legally Related to iViewit Technologies Case. Christine C. Anderson, Case No.: 07cv9599 Plaintiff-Appellant,(SAS)(AJP, 2d Cir. No. 09-5059-cv v. The State of New York,Defendants-Appellee
Research Links Regarding Christine C. Anderson, Case No.: 07cv9599
"Witness Tampering Brings NYAttorney Christine Anderson Back to Federal Court
An Ethics Rouser EXCLUSIVE by Abe King - June 27, 2012
Widespread 'Ethics' Corruption Now Includes Threat on Witness in a Federal Proceeding"
Also Check Out iViewit Technology, Legally Related Case
iViewit Technology RICO Complaint
iViewit Technology SEC Complaint
Plaintiff, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox NOTIFIES Intel Corp., (INTC:NASDAQ GS) (INTC.OQ) (INTC:US) of Massive Shareholder Liability by sending INTC, Intel Corp a Notice of Claim, Notice of Liability Regarding Federal RICO / Racketeering Lawsuit District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF, filed February 26th, 2013 by Plaintiff Crystal Cox. Magistrate Judge Cam Ferenbach, District Judge James C. Mahan, Las Vegas Nevada.
Plaintiff Blogger Crystal Cox Notice of Claim, Notice of Liability; Defendant INTC, Intel Corp., Douglas Melamed personally and professionally, Steven R. Rodger personally and professionally. RICO / Racketeering Lawsuit, District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF.
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Pro Se Plaintiff
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF
March 6th, 2013
Steven R. Rodgers
Vice President of Legal, Corporate Affairs and
Deputy General Counsel of Litigation, Licensing & Patents, Intel Corporation
Douglas Melamed
Intel Corp. General Counsel
Intel, INTC Shareholders, Auditors, Insurance Providers
Regarding: NOTICE of Liability;
Notice of Claim Regarding Intel Corporation and Possible Trillion Dollar Fraud on Intel, INTC Shareholders and Others. Notice to all Intel Executives, Shareholders, Board Members, Insurance Providers, Auditors, and all financially connected to Intel Corp., INTC in any way.
Notice Regarding RICO / Racketeering Complaint Filed in District Of Nevada, Liability to INTC, Intel Shareholders and Intel Executives.
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF names Douglas Melamed, Steven R. Rodgers and Intel Corp. in conspiracy to STOP the flow of information in online media regarding INTC, Intel’s Involvement in the iViewit Technology Theft.
Douglas Melamed, Steven R. Rodgers and Whom It May Concern:
This notice is written upon the Knowledge and Belief of Investigative Blogger Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox. I, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox, write this letter to notify you of legal action pending against Intel, INTC in the District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Lawsuit, whereby Intel Corp., Douglas Melamed, and Steven R. Rodgers are named Defendants.
Notice was sent to Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation, who is named Personally and Professionally, On December 27th 2012 and again in On January 27th 2013. As well as updated court documents. Notices have also been sent to INTC, Intel Corp. General Counsel Douglas Melamed
Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation have, thus far, ignored this serious legal matter, and it is assumed have failed to notify auditors, shareholders, Intel Ceo’s, and all who should be notified of this massive liability to Intel Corp. and INTC Shareholders.
Upon information and belief, the frauds included but are not limited to the failure of Intel Corp., INTC, to disclose both this lawsuit and the Intellectual Property infringement of the iViewit Technology, which is a Trillion dollar liability to Intel, INTC Shareholders and the Intel Corporation.
Intel Corp., INTC executives have known of this massive liability over violations of NDA’s and infringement of the iViewit Video Technology for over a Decade.
Ex-Senior Vice President, General Counsel of Intel Corp., INTC, Bruce Sewell, now General Counsel of APPLE, who is also named in this Federal RICO Lawsuit. Corresponded with Eliot Bernstein regarding this massive undisclosed liability. I, Crystal Cox have attached those correspondences to this Notice of Liability, as well as added links at the bottom of this letter.
APPLE Executive Steven Dowling has also communicated with Eliot Bernstein of iViewit Technology regarding this massive undisclosed liability.
Eliot Bernstein, founder of iViewit Technology Company, and one of the inventors of the iViewit Video Technology, is named as a Defendant in District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, which was filed in alleged conspiracy to suppress Internet Blogs, Domain Names and Online Media reporting on the iViewit Technology theft, which involves Intel Corp., INTC, as noted in the iViewit Technology SEC Complaint, RICO Complaint, FBI Complaints, USPTO Complaint and other Federal Investigations into this matter.
In regard to Eliot Bernstein and the iViewit Technology Company, Intel Corp., INTC has massive, undisclosed liabilities and this notice is to warn all those financially tied to INTC, Intel Corporation of this massive liability. Failing to disclose this liability is in direct violation of various SEC laws and rules including but not limited to FASB No. 5 requirements for disclosing liabilities and more.
The Eliot Bernstein and the iViewit Technology Company, also involves an attempted murder of his family and a car bombing that blew up three vehicles in addition to Bernstein Vehicle.
The iViewit Technology theft is a very serious matter, and a massive, undisclosed liability to Intel, INTC shareholders, auditors, and executives. The iViewit Technology theft involves high stakes corporate theft and fraud of a 13 Trillion Dollar Intellectual Property.
Notably, federal Judge Shira Scheindlin referred to the iViewit Case as a case involving Murder that has also been marked as legally “related” by Scheindlin to an ongoing Federal Whistleblower case, the Christine Anderson case. ( Christine C. Anderson,Case No.: 07cv9599 Plaintiff Appellant, (SAS) (AJP), 2d Cir. No. 09-5059-cv v. The State of New York,Defendants-Appellee)
Steven Rodgers Vice President has allegedly conspired with WIPO, ( World Intellectual Property Organization) Director Francis Gurry, and also WIPO Legal Edward Kwakwa and also Eric Wilbers of WIPO, in order to wipe out blogs, online media that report on the iViewit Technology Story and cover up this massive liability by wiping out blogs, changing domain names servers of Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.
I, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox, have a web stat that shows WIPO looking at my Notice to WIPO of massive fraud, and then emailing Steven Rodgers of INTC, Intel Corporation.
Eric Wilbers of WIPO has spoke with Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox regarding this matter. WIPO has been notified of this massive fraud months ago, that will affect Intel, INTC Shareholders. WIPO has done nothing, that I am aware of, to correct this matter nor to notify executives, insurance providers, shareholders of this massive liability.
Steven Rodgers Intel Corporation knows of the iViewit Technology infringement by Intel, and has failed disclose this liability to Shareholders, Executives, Auditors..
Intel Corp. INTC Shareholders have a massive liability in this matter. This letter is a NOTICE to Intel Corp Executives, Shareholders, Auditors, Liability Carriers, Insurance Provides and more, to disclose this massive liability, that by LAW Intel Corporation, INTC, Must Disclose.
I, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox, have attached the Federal RICO Complaint District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF to this eMail notice, as well as documents of Intel’s Connection to this liability.
Here is an Online Link to the RICO Complaint Filed February 26th, 2013 by Plaintiff, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF
Also note that Portland Oregon Law Firm Tonkon Torp LLP and Mike Morgan of Tonkon Torp are also named in District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF.
Tonkon Torp Law Firm, Portland represented Intel and represented Enron in their bankruptcy, this is very much connected to the Iviewit Technology case and also brings massive financial liability to the shareholders of INTC, Intel Corp.
There is definite action that Steven Rodgers of INTC, Intel Corporation should have take to disclose this legal action. There is definite action that Bruce Sewell former General Counsel at Intel Corporation should have also taken to disclose this legal action. Bruce Sewell, now General Counsel of APPLE is also a named Defendant in District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF, as is APPLE Executive Steve Dowling.
This Notice of Claim and Liability serves as a warning to INTC, Intel Shareholders, Auditors, Insurance Providers, CEO’s, and all companies and people connected to INTC, Intel Financially for any reason of the massive, pending liability to Intel Corporation, INTC.
INTC, Intel has violated NDA’s with Eliot Bernstein, iViewit Technology. INTC, Intel is named in Federal RICO Complaints, SEC Complaints and more, in regard to massive liability over the infringement of the iViewit Video Technology, which is said to be worth 13 Trillion Dollars.
Knowing the liability that Intel, INTC has over the iViewit Video Technology, and violations of agreements with Eliot Bernstein, iViewit Technology, Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation recently conspired with WIPO and WIPO Panelist Peter L. Michaelson, to take Domain Names from Eliot Bernstein, Founder of iViewit and one of the iViewit Inventors, and Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, who had been reporting on the iViewit Technology theft for 3 years.
Peter L. Michaelson has conspired with the Plaintiff in District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, Marc J. Randazza, who now is also a named Defendant in District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF, in order to launch a public defamation, disgrace, and discrediting campaign against Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, reporting on the iViewit Technology Theft for over 3 years.
Marc J. Randazza, Defendant in District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF, conspired by officially stating in WIPO Complaints, WIPO Publications, WIPO Decisions, and WIPO Legal Announcements to the World, that Eliot Bernstein, Founder of iViewit and one of the iViewit Inventors, and Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox are guilty of the crime of extortion, of which neither Eliot Bernstein, Founder of iViewit and one of the iViewit Inventors, nor Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox have been charged with, under investigation for, nor prosecuted of.
This action by Peter L. Michaelson and Marc J. Randazza in WIPO Decisions and in District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, was intentional to discredit and silence the reporting of the world’s biggest technology crime. Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox has filed claims against all those conspiring with Plaintiff Marc J. Randazza in District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, and the WIPO Decision.
I, Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox, have attached correspondence between Intel, INTC and Eliot Bernstein to this notice. Here are links to further information regarding the massive liability to INTC, Intel Corp. Shareholders, Insurance Carriers and Intel Executives.
Links to Documents proving this massive Liability to INTC, Intel Shareholders, Auditors, Insurance Providers, CEO’s, and all companies and people connected to INTC, Intel Financially for any reason.
iViewit Technology SEC Complaint Naming INTC, Intel Corp.
iViewit Technology NDA Agreements with INTC, Intel Corp.
iViewit Technology Demand Letter to INTC, Intel Corp.
More Regarding INTC, Intel Corp and iViewit Technology
I, Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox, am an Investigative Blogger, I have read thousands of pages of documents over 3 years, listened to Senate Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, read depositions, read billing documents, listening to depositions, read court filings, read NDA agreements, and massive amounts of proof of the liability that Intel has. This is an Important issue and by LAW must be disclosed.
I, Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox, intend to file this Notice with the SEC, 7 days after sending this official notice to INTC, Intel Corporation.
I have read SEC Complaints, RICO Complaints, USPTO Complaints, NDA Agreements, Contracts, and massive amounts of documented proof of the rightful Inventors and owner of the iViewit Technology that 99% of ALL video uses today, and I feel it is my duty to Warn INTC Investors, shareholders, auditors, insurance providers, ceos and more regarding this massive liability.
Upon my knowledge and belief, Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation has directly conspired to silence me, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox, as I have been reporting on the iViewit Technology theft for over 3 years. Due to Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation conspiring to remove my online media regarding the iViewit Technology theft, I have filed legal action against Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation personally and professionally, and against the INTC Company for 10 Million Each.
This is a serious and valid Notice of Claim, Notice of Liability and is in response to Steven Rodgers Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Intel Corporation, Douglas Melamed, and Intel Corp. being named in a Federal RICO, Racketeering Lawsuit, FILED by Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF.
Defendant in District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF have directly attacked me, defaming me, suppressed my online news media blogs, endangered my life, threatened me, stolen my intellectual property, and ruined my reputation in order to SUPPRESS the flow of information regarding their involvement and liability in the iViewit Technology Theft.
Pro Se Plaintiff
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox
Crystal Cox News
PDF of INTC, Intel Corp., Notice of Claim, Notice of Liability
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF RICO Filing
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Docket
If you are concerned about this serious liability to INTC, Intel Corp. Stocks, Shares, Assets or have questions regarding this legal action, here are Intel Corp., INTC Key Executive, and Contact Information.
Contact Information
Intel Corp
2200 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549
United States
Key Executives for Intel Corp (INTC)
Andy D BryantChairman | Paul S OtelliniPresident/CEO |
Stacy Jared SmithExec VP/CFO | Brian M KrzanichExec VP/COO |
David Perlmutter "Dadi"Exec VP/Chief Product Officer | Renee J JamesExec VP/Gen Mgr:Svcs |
Thomas M Kilroy "Tom"Exec VP/Gen Mgr:Sales & Mktg | William M Holt "Bill"Exec VP/Gen Mgr:Technology |
Arvind SodhaniExecutive Vice President | A Douglas Melamed "Doug"Senior VP/General Counsel |
Kirk B SkaugenSenior VP/Gen Mgr:PC Client Grp | Diane M BryantSenior VP/Gen Mgr:Datacenter |
Sohail U AhmedSenior VP/Dir:Logic Technology | Jonathan KhazamVP/Gen Mgr:Visual & Parallel |
Michael C MayberryVP/Dir:Components Research | Mark HenningerInvestor Relations |
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