Dec 17, 2012

WIPO Director Francis Gurry and Edward Kwakwa, WIPO Legal Counsel (OLC), as well as other WIPO Official Notified of Fraud, Civil and Criminal Conspiracy and Massive Conflicts of Interest Regarding WIPO Sole Panelist Peter L. Michaelson, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox and iViewit Technology Founder, Inventor Eliot Bernstein.

Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Posts a Web Stat from Statcounter on Blog, in which proves that WIPO Acknowledges Notification of Fraud, Criminal Activity, Rico Conspiracy, Criminal and Civil Conspiracy within WIPO, and massive undisclosed conflicts of Interest with a WIPO Panelist.

This Letter, Notification sent to WIPO several times and posted in this Public Forum / Blog is Regarding WIPO Sole Panelist  Peter L. Michaelson and Regarding WIPO Cases (EP) D2012-1525 (Complainant Marc Randazza) and (TG) D2011-0678, (CT) D2011-0679,(CT) D2011-0677, (CT) D2011-0675 (Complainant Proskauer Rose)

Here is the Web Stat proving that WIPO has been NOTIFIED.

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Referring URL:
Host Name:Browser:Firefox 10.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:WinXP
Location:Geneva, Geneve, SwitzerlandResolution:1280x1024
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:5 hours 50 mins 17 secsISP:World Intellectual
Property Organization

Navigation Path

17 Dec02:21:21
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17 Dec02:25:30
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17 Dec03:56:35
17 Dec04:01:09
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17 Dec04:34:42
(No referring link)
17 Dec08:11:38

Below is a Docstoc Version, However Docstoc Seems to Support Suppression of Free Speech and Removes my Content as Soon as Friends of Porn Attorney Marc Randazza tells them to, so I you cannot see the PDF and Want a Copy, eMail me at for a Copy

Francis Gurry WIPO - Web Stat Public Notice

Here is a PDF Loaded onto Google Docs, Google has shut down my blogs at Marc Randazza request and as his attorney friends spam my sites, however thus far Google seems to put them back up once they notice what Free Speech Hating Attorney Marc Randazza is doing.

Wordpress continues to remove blogs that Expose, Parody Marc J. Randazza, Porn Industry Attorney based in Law Vegas and connected to this WIPO Civil and Criminal Conspiracy.

Google Docs

Here is the Blog Post where the
Letter Investigative Blogger  Crystal Cox
to WIPO is Publicly Published.

WIPO Director Francis Gurry and Edward Kwakwa, WIPO Legal Counsel (OLC), as well as other WIPO Official Notified of Fraud, Civil and Criminal Conspiracy and Massive Conflicts of Interest Regarding WIPO Sole Panelist Peter L. Michaelson, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox and iViewit Technology Founder, Inventor Eliot Bernstein.

Dec 4, 2012

Open Letter to APPLE Executives Timothy D. “Tim” Cook and Peter Oppenheimer regarding APPLE General Counsel Bruce Sewell and Steve Dowling, Senior Director Corporate Public Relations at Apple, From iViewit Technology Founder and Inventor Eliot Bernstein.

"Dear Mr. Timothy D. “Tim” Cook and Mr. Peter Oppenheimer,

Please take notice of the attached Adobe PDF document regarding Executive of Apple, Inc. and massive liabilities they may be hiding from Shareholders, Auditors, Bond Holders, Insurance Companies and even criminal authorities.

I have offered both your corporate counsel Mr. Durward Bruce Sewell, General Counsel for Apple and Steve Dowling, Senior Director Corporate Public Relations at Apple and employees that report to you directly of these liabilities giving them time to respond to the issues presented before SEC and other Federal and State criminal and civil actions are taken against Apple and it’s Executives involved.

I granted Apple time to respond through the attached communique and both Mssrs. Sewell and Dowling fail to acknowledge in any way, including refusing to return calls and faxes and where both of them should have sought outside counsel due to the conflicts they have directly with the allegations being levied to contact me regarding these liabilities that are in the billions to Apple.

I note that Mr. Sewell may have been implicated in insider trading recently and believe that these matters may have also been insider matters that if exposed could have massive implications on personal stock holdings of Apple executives involved.

In the odd chance that you are not aware of me, Eliot Ivan Bernstein and the Iviewit inventions that have been cited as “holy grail” in the digital imaging and video world (and used throughout the Apple product lines) and you are also unaware of these past liability matters and the past deadline for response, I will therefore grant you a time period of one week to respond to this email from today (and fax copy will also be sent) before we must take next step actions that a failure to communicate will impart both civilly and criminally for all those involved at Apple.

If you have not responded by that time, please take this as notice of your liabilities set forth in the attached PDF document  “20121109 Steve Dowling Apple Inc Letter re Bruce Sewell FINAL SIGNED.pdf” and the correspondences attached below and promptly notify all parties that may have liabilities from these matters, including the Board of Directors, Auditors, Insurance Carriers, etc.

Best Regards and my sincere hope that we can work these matters out in a professional business manner, if you would like to take that approach my Iphone is on.


Open Letter to APPLE Executives Timothy D. “Tim” Cook and Peter Oppenheimer regarding APPLE General Counsel Bruce Sewell and Steve Dowling, From iViewit Technology Eliot Bernstein